Your Voice is Important – Please Vote!

The general election will be held on Tuesday, November 5th. Let’s make sure that older adults are heard! 

See what is on the ballot

Are you registered?

You must be registered to vote at your current address.

You can register, update your registration, or check your registration online here. The deadline to register online is 21 days before Election Day (October 15) at 11:59 pm. After that time, you will need to register at your polling place on Election Day.

You can also register in person at the Cook County Auditor’s Office. Please note that pre-registration closes 20 days before the election. After that time, you will need to register at your polling place on Election Day.

You can register at your polling place on Election Day. You must show proof of your name and current address. For more information about election-day registration, view/download this factsheet

Voting in person

NOTE: In Cook County, only registered voters living in the city of Grand Marais vote in person at a polling place. All other registered voters receive a ballot by mail.  

Polls will be open 7am to 8pm

Click here to find your polling place

If you need a ride to your polling place:

Care Partners Senior Rides Program

-For people 60 and over who live in Cook County

-Rides provided by trained volunteers

-Suggested donation based on mileage and income

-Call to schedule ride (218) 387-3788

-More Senior Rides information here

Arrowhead Transit Dial-A-Ride

-Must live within the city limits of Grand Marais

-Cost $1.50 per ride

-Current hours of operation: 9am to 2pm M-F

-Call 800-862-0175, option 8 by noon on Monday to arrange your ride

More Arrowhead Transit information here

If you live within the city limits of Grand Marais, it may be possible to receive a ballot by mail before Election Day, but you will need to request that a ballot be sent to you as soon as possible.

To request a ballot, you can go to the Cook County Auditor’s Office (note that you can only ask for a ballot for YOURSELF – you cannot pick up a ballot for someone else.) Or, you can go online to request a ballot.

Once you receive and complete your ballot, you can drop it off in person at the Courthouse or you can mail it in (see below.)

    Voting by mail or dropping off your ballot

    (For all Cook County residents who do NOT live within Grand Marais city limits.) 

    If you are registered to vote in Cook County and live OUTSIDE of Grand Marais city limits, you will receive your ballot by mail. Ballots for the November 5th General Election will be mailed to residents the first of week in October. 

    Due to the cost in time and money please use the ballot that is mailed to you. There is no other ballot provided elsewhere. (Replacement ballots are available only under certain conditions.) Contact the Cook County Auditor’s Office if you need further information on a replacement ballot.

    When you receive your ballot, read the instructions carefully.

    Remember that you will need a witness when you vote and complete your ballot. The witness can be either a registered Minnesota voter or a notary public.

    -Ideas for witnesses include family members, neighbors, friends, volunteers, or service providers (as long as they are registered Minnesota voters.)

    -You may also be able to find a witness at The Hub/Cook County Senior Center or the Grand Marais Public Library.

    Return the ballot and forms right away after you finish. Your ballot will not count if it is received after Election Day!

    You can return your completed ballot to the Cook County Auditor’s Office in several ways:

    -Deposit in the secure drop box NO LATER than 3pm of Election Day

    Cook County Courthouse
    (box is located just outside the main door)
    411 W 2nd St
    Grand Marais, MN 55604 

    -Drop it off in person to the County Auditor’s office NO LATER than 3pm of Election Day

    Cook County Courthouse
    411 W 2nd St
    Grand Marais, MN 55604

    -You can mail your ballot to the County Auditor’s office, but remember that the ballot must be received by the County NO LATER than 3pm of Election Day!

    For more information about voting

    MN Secretary of State website

    Cook County website

    Cook County Auditor phone 218-387-3640

    More News Articles


    Cook County Aging Coalition
    c/o Care Partners of Cook County
    PO Box 282
    Grand Marais, MN 55604
    (218) 231-8903
    Toll Free: (855) 444-3910

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